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#1 Nov-17-11 1:07AM

Bass Hunter
Northern Snakehead
Registered: Oct-19-07
Posts: 728

Veterans Day PB

I had Veterans Day off and decided to hit one of the Ashburn lakes since it was such a nice day. I wanted to try out my new Kastmaster spoon which mimicked the shiners that were in the lake.

Caught about six dinks near the spillway in my first hour and half then I decided to move further down to fish along the rocky shoreline and hooked into a nice bass. I thought I was hung up until the line started screaming from my light drag setting. It fought really hard and tried to throw my lure a couple of times. I was worried because I was only using 6 pound line and as soon as I pulled it unto the shore, the line snapped. I dove towards the fish to make sure he didn't get away. With my adrenaline rushing, I didn't realize that I scraped my arm real good from the rocks but it was totally worth it!!

Unfortunately, I did not have a scale but a nice passerby was nice enough to help take the picture for me. I don't know how much it weighed but my guess would probably be around five pounds or so. I'm awful at guessing weights and lengths. I never bought a scale because I have never caught anything very big before but after catching this personal best, I certainly will get one now!! This is the biggest bass I have ever caught in my life and it certainly made not only my weekend but my year! The fished was released to fight another day and it swim off briskly.I felt like Curly for a day!!!

Ernie - thank you so much for posting the picture for me!! Now that I am hooked to big bass, I am motivated to learn how to download my own photos.



#2 Nov-17-11 1:14AM

From: Ashburn VA
Registered: Feb-03-06
Posts: 15961

Re: Veterans Day PB

I don't think that is a 5 pounder......maybe more! What a pig (the fish) and what a smile (Khahn)!!

Time to go fishin' again!



#3 Nov-17-11 2:12AM

Patagonian Toothfish
From: VA
Registered: Mar-10-08
Posts: 1389

Re: Veterans Day PB

Nice fish Khanh!



#4 Nov-17-11 11:05AM

Patagonian Toothfish
Registered: Mar-15-10
Posts: 5453

Re: Veterans Day PB

Way to go Khanh! big_smile  I'd say 5 pounds 9 oz from that photo smile .

Hell or High Water...........I'm Fishin!!   big_smile



#5 Nov-17-11 12:54PM

jumping jasper
Patagonian Toothfish
Registered: Apr-03-07
Posts: 844

Re: Veterans Day PB

Nice fish!! congrats!




#6 Nov-17-11 1:24PM

Northern Snakehead
From: Ashburn, VA
Registered: Mar-23-11
Posts: 216

Re: Veterans Day PB

Nice fish!! I think I know where that photo was taken and i have caught all my biggest fish from there. Great catch!



#7 Nov-17-11 1:37PM

Bass Hunter
Northern Snakehead
Registered: Oct-19-07
Posts: 728

Re: Veterans Day PB

Thanks guys!! This is my first time catching anything over 5 pounds and it feels great!

I know there are much bigger fish in there because I see them exploding after the ducklings every now and then. And I know carp don't eat ducklings.

I bet someone will catch a ten pounder out of one of those lakes one of these days.



#8 Nov-17-11 3:32PM

Northern Snakehead
Registered: Mar-21-11
Posts: 718

Re: Veterans Day PB

Nice fish!  I still haven't broken the 5# mark.  Can't wait to have a smile that big with a lunker like that in my hands!



#9 Nov-17-11 8:54PM

Patagonian Toothfish
Registered: Feb-24-09
Posts: 1456

Re: Veterans Day PB

never forget my 1st Fiver. they start to come more easily after that, or maybe you start to believe a little more.
the added enthusiasm will pay dividends
thanks for sharing



#10 Nov-18-11 12:37AM

Patagonian Toothfish
Registered: Sep-30-09
Posts: 938

Re: Veterans Day PB

Awesome fish!  I'm a fan of spoons if you haven't noticed.    So simple yet extremely effective.

This could be effective there

Any interest in going after some smallies with me sometime post-Thanksgiving?  I'm going to recon a place tomorrow.

Last edited by T. (Nov-18-11 12:37AM)



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