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Anyone been over to BDR recently? hows the water level. where the fishes at? thinking about hitting it this weekend.....
a buddy recently got 6-7 and 6-1 outta there
My brother is out of town, so I have an extra canoe spot if anyone wants to tag along.
I'm sure the water is even lower than the last time I was out there on 10/2. It's probably about 6ft low. I'm hoping to get out there this weekend too. I was too lazy to get up Sunday am, and then Monday am too.
I was at BDR yesterday. Water is still way low ... and I was lucky to pull out a few. Without the aid of a depth/fish finder, fishing this place is an exercise in frustration!
Reading this forum, I attempted to fish the sunken bridge (no idea if I was actually on it or not, just eyeballing). Zero bites. I fished the rock wall, which is easily visible now. Zero bites. All my fish came along the banks (several on the rip rap near the dam) and on exposed points.
Putting a fish finder on the Christmas wish list
If I bring my yak home for fall break this weekend I will be heading there!
Well this sucks. It's windy already. I was hoping I could fish for a few hours before the winds pick up. And it's only going to get worse today.
wind is good
find a bank or point it is pounding on and rip a rattleetrap or spinnerbait around.
i tell you, if you find them on a day like this you will be in for some outrageous fun
It's no fun fishing while dealing with 20+mph wind in a kayak.
It's not fun fishing in any kind of boat in 20+mph wind!
My suggestion was not limited to fishing in a boat.
Never made it out today. wind was bad. it may be good for fishing or whatever, but it drives me insane. so i shore fished the pavilion for an hour or so and landed 4. not bad...