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Got fishing by 3 30. I spent two hours with a deep diver trying to find a dropoff but had no luck so I had to start fishing the coves. I fished the coves for hour with a senko and caught two. Then I continued to fish for another hour with a horny toad, but no hits. I was off the water at 7 30.
I met both RoneyK and AnF out there. Very nice guys, nice meeting you!
Last edited by redskinsfan360 (Aug-09-10 2:21PM)
When you get the FF installed, you will find those underwater points...then, you will have to figure out how to catch 'em like Paul does!
Pacemaker wrote:
When you get the FF installed, you will find those underwater points...then, you will have to figure out how to catch 'em like Paul does!
Yeah! He sure does have that pattern locked in.
nice meeting you guys... redskinsfan360 and anf.. hope to see you again soon...
Same here guys. Maybe we can do another outing before redskinsfan360 heads off for school.
I only managed one little guy in the early morning off a crank in 8ft of water and skunked in the evening.
after understanding how difficult to fish in bdr i went and got myself a fishfinder today (humminbird piranhamax portable 160). im still not sure exactly how i need to attach transducer on the kayak using suction cup. guess i will figure it out somehow... hopefully ff will give me some advantage.. so far i have only caught couple of lmb at bdr.
RoneyK wrote:
after understanding how difficult to fish in bdr i went and got myself a fishfinder today (humminbird piranhamax portable 160). im still not sure exactly how i need to attach transducer on the kayak using suction cup. guess i will figure it out somehow... hopefully ff will give me some advantage.. so far i have only caught couple of lmb at bdr.
Nice! Honestly you just plop it on the side of the yak so its in the water and it will then not come off. If you are paddling long distances take it off tho for less friction against the water then put it backon when your fishing.
thanks... i will try that...
Awesome Roney! Here is a link to get you started on your research or an idea. http://www.texaskayakfisherman.com/foru … ish+finder
thanks andy...