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#1 Aug-02-10 4:32PM

Northern Snakehead
Registered: Jun-02-10
Posts: 316

Kill the skunks

alrighty.....Im lookin for one of you fish slayers to meet up with me for an evening, or even better a saturday morn, and show me whats going on.  I continually fish weekend after weekend, either getting skunked, or catching a few dinks.  you guys post fish all day long.  my buddy catches fish in the same places I try.  I have a canoe if you want to it BDR or any of the ashburn waters.  I have been reading like its going out of business.  trying to learn, and I don't know what Im doin wrong......



#2 Aug-03-10 12:30AM

Patagonian Toothfish
Registered: Sep-30-09
Posts: 938

Re: Kill the skunks

I'd like to fish Ashburn Lake one evening this week.  I haven't been out there in my kayak since winter.  I have an idea of where some fish should be.



#3 Aug-03-10 2:59AM

Registered: Jun-29-10
Posts: 50

Re: Kill the skunks

Bart, I understand your frustration. I'll be out at BDR on Sunday after lunch until dusk. Here is some advice for the hot summer days. Fish slow, try using a 3/16 shaky jig head like the Bite me or  the Wally World version with a Baby Brush Hog, Rage Tail Baby Craw, or your favorite worm. Keep your bait bouncing off the bottom with pauses, burning it from the pause, changing your cadence every other cast. Second, position is key. I position my self once I find the drop offs and cast parallel. Do the same if you are fishing grass edges, most folks fish perpendicular, casting into the grass edge. You have a canoe, use it to your advantage.



#4 Aug-03-10 3:20AM

Patagonian Toothfish
Registered: Feb-24-09
Posts: 1456

Re: Kill the skunks

it takes a lot of practice, just keep trying

most of my success  is at least in part accidental

eventually you will discover a method that works

then you can build on that technique, and apply it in different ways

i think it was last year at the bassmaster classic, Skeet Reese ( the runner-up for angler of the year ) practically got skunked and didnt even make the cut for the final day

it happens to the best fishermen  in the world.



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